We present to you our Artist Showcase

Here at Lake Affect Magazine’s our goal is to embrace and salute local artists and their efforts. The artist showcase is a collection of artists that work is so mesmerizing that you truly dont want to miss it. The art we display from local artist is to show everyone how special these individuals truly are. And give them the recognition we feel they truly deserve!

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David Burke

I was born in 1956 and live in Western New York, not far from Rochester. I’ve loved
making art for as long as I can remember, but for much of my adult life I would draw or
paint or take photographs sporadically every few years while engaging in other work or

I finally decided to go back to school and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
from the State University of New York College at Brockport in 1999, where I studied
painting and ceramic sculpture. For several years since then I’ve made numerous
concrete sculptures for our gardens and have done some painting on and off.
In 2015 I realized that making art is what I love and what I want to do for the rest of
my life; especially acrylic painting. I’m fortunate to have more free time now to pursue
my passion for creativity.

My artwork has always been primarily inspired by nature, and by my connection to the life of the earth and that greater Mystery beneath the manifest world. I love how the effects of light and shadow, color and composition, evoke subtle emotions and memories.

For the last few years, I’ve been getting away from purely figurative painting to explore different ways of applying paint, mixed media and experimenting with abstraction and abstract expressionism. It’s been very exciting to push myself to try new ways of seeing and painting, and I love using spontaneous intuition to begin an artwork without any preconceived idea of what the end result will be! It makes it easier for me to express the subtle, intangible energies of Life that I feel all around us.

I also have painting numerous murals around Western New York over the past 7 years.

Check me out also at  …

E-mail – wyldekey@vivaldi.net

Website  – https://www.davidfburke-art.com