We present to you our Artist Showcase

Here at Lake Affect Magazine’s our goal is to embrace and salute local artists and their efforts. The artist showcase is a collection of artists that work is so mesmerizing that you truly dont want to miss it. The art we display from local artist is to show everyone how special these individuals truly are. And give them the recognition we feel they truly deserve!

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Jackie Schlein

About the Artist …

Jackie Schlein is a marbling artist, located near Rochester, NY. Marbling is a centuries-old art form where paint is floated on thickened water, manipulated to form a pattern and then paper is laid on top to create unique and intricate prints. It’s an art form that takes a tremendous amount of patience and problem solving – always. She creates very traditional patterns and also uses some very unconventional techniques and materials. Jackie started her own business, LakeView Marbling, where she sells her original artwork in a variety of forms through several local Artisan Boutiques. She likes to say that marbling is part art, part science and part magic!

Find them also @ …

E-mail – LakeViewMarbling@gmail.com

Instagram – @LakeViewMarbling